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Creating a Diverse Workplace

Gender Pay Gap Report

Our aim at Cameron House is to create a transparent and inclusive culture which recognises diversity not just with regards to gender, but that everyone regardless of their race, religion, or background has equal opportunity to thrive.

Cameron House is committed to gender diversity and strives to develop, train, and grow all employees in their chosen career paths. We commit to continue to attract women to our business through continually reviewing our benefits and packages and continue to give equal access to development opportunities to all.


As of April 2023, our mean gender pay gap stood at 5.11% favouring males, with our median gender pay standing at 2.7% We recognise that the mean hourly pay difference has been significantly skewed by a small number of males in the most senior roles within the business.

We are proud that a significant number of senior management roles are occupied by women although there is room for improvement. We are continually reviewing practices to ensure our hiring procedures and career development opportunities support and reflect our commitment to equality and diversity and to ensure women occupy more of the highest paid roles and less of the lowest paid roles.


Mean Hourly Pay Differences

Full Pay Employees:

  • Male hourly rate £13.32
  • Female hourly rate £12.64
  • Pay Gap 5.11%


Median Hourly Pay Differences

Full Pay Employees:

  • Male Hourly Rate £11.32
  • Female Hourly Rate £11.02
  • Pay Gap 2.7%

We are fully committed to ensuring that the approach to pay remains gender indifferent. Employees who received bonus pay:

Proportion of Males: 3.7%
Proportion of Females: 20%


Pay Quartiles

Proportion of Males and Females in each pay quartile:

  • Lower Quartile: 48.4% Male, 51.6% Female
  • Lower Middle Quartile: 56.3% Male, 43.8% Female
  • Upper Middle Quartile: 52.6% Male, 47.4% Female
  • Upper Quartile: 57.3% Male, 42.7% Female


Flexible Working

Cameron House operates a flexible working policy and recognises the requirement for flexible working options and work-life balance to support the reduction in our gender pay gap. The business continues to see a great number of requests approved and supported ensuring a positive impact for employees and those returning from maternity at all levels within the business. The introduction of a greater degree of homeworking has also allowed further flexibility and retention of both male and female employees.


Remuneration & Incentive Policy

We have a consistent approach to remuneration aimed at ensuring all employees are paid fairly based on hotel performance and market conditions. The business commits monthly to reviewing all promotions and salary increases for fairness and consistency via a senior Manager and Human Resources approval.


Promotion & Progression

The company is committed to promoting from within and has numerous examples of internal moves across the resort showing a strength in progressing employees through our recognised career paths. The company provides nationally recognised management qualifications supporting the development of team members up to Heads of Department and Senior Management roles.


Going Forward

We understand the reasons as to why we see a gender pay gap within our organisation and are committed to managing this as we try to move towards a more gender balanced workforce. Our people policies and practices are continually reviewed to help us identify areas of our organisation where we can drive improvement.